Saturday, December 02, 2006

Liturgical Reviews of Dr. Alcuin Reid: online

Readers of the NLM will be delighted to know that if you're interested in reviews of liturgical works (and if you're reading here, then you should be!), that Dr. Alcuin Reid has many reviews available online.

You can ask for little better a reviewer than Dr. Alcuin Reid, a scholar and specialist in the sacred liturgy.

Dr. Reid has provided, on, reviews of very important liturgical titles. I'd love to quote them directly, but there are too many worth quoting!

These reviews include:

The Holy Mass, by Dom Prosper Gueranger
The Mass and Modernity, by Fr. Jonathan Robinson
The History and Future of the Roman Liturgy, by Denis Crouan
Celebrating the Holy Eucharist, by Francis Cardinal Arinze
Whither the Roman Rite?, by Fr. John Mole
Thomas Aquinas and the Liturgy, by David Berger
The Royal Patronage of the Liturgy in Frankish Gaul to the Death of Charles the Bald, by the Henry Bradshaw Society
Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year, by Msgr. Peter J. Elliott
The Liturgy After Vatican II: Collapsing or Resurgent?, by Denis Crouan
The Liturgy Betrayed, by Denis Crouan
Liturgy in a Postmodern World, by Keith Edcklers
The Spirit of the Liturgy, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
The Wisdom of Adrian Fortescue, by Michael Davies
Losing the Sacred: Ritual Modernity and Liturgical Reform, by David Torevell
Culture and Thomist Tradition: After Vatican II, by Tracey Rowland

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