Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"Extraordinary form" of the Ambrosian Rite? - third part

As a conclusion to my threefold post about the consequences of Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" on the Ambrosian Rite, here follows a complete list of liturgical books of the Ambrosian Rite in the edition in force in 1962:


Missal :
Missale Ambrosianum juxta ritum Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Mediolanensis. Editio quinta post typicam. Milano, 1954.

Breviary :
Breviarium Ambrosianum a Carolo archiepiscopo editum, Andreæ C. Card. Ferrari et denuo Joannis Baptistæ Montini archiepiscopi iussu impressum. Milano, 1957.

Liturgical Calendar:
Kalendarium Ambrosianum. Milano, 1957.

Ritual :
Rituale sacramentorum ad usum S. Mediolanensis Ecclesiæ olim a S. Carolo institutum nunc postremo Eminentissimi Domini Andræ Caroli Card. Ferrari archiepiscopi auctoritate editum. Milano, 1906.

Ceremonial :
Cæremoniale Ambrosianum iussu illustrissimi ac reverendissimi D. D. Federici card. Borromæi Mediolanenis Ecclesiæ Archiepiscopi nuper editum. Mediolani, 1619.

(Only the first of the five parts originally scheduled was actually published.
The fifth part “de prædictis officiis ac functionibus per singulos dies per anni circulum ” was probably completed, but never published: its text was semi-officially handcopied by order of several Archbishops and Archpriests of the Metropolitan Chapter. A complete copy can be found in the Library of the Metroplitan Chapter of Milan under cod. Cap. Metr. ii.F.2.15, dated 1819)

Office and Mass for the Dead:
Ordo et Missa pro defunctis cum exequiarum ordine. Milano, 1934.

Litaniæ majores et triduanæ solemnes ritu ambrosiano, a S. Carolo... editæ. Nunc denuo recognitæ. Milano, 1846.

Pontifical Collectarium :
Pontificalia Mediolanensis Ecclesiæ Em.mi et Rev.mi D.D. Federici Card. Vicecomitis Archiepiscopi auctoritate recognita et collecta. Mediolani 1689.

(This is a sort of Collectarium -i.e. a collection of different liturgical text- for the use of the Archbishop in the Metropolitan Cathedral.It's considered a proper source of the Ambrosian Liturgical Law because it's the only book where the Benediction of the Oils for Maundy Thursday can be found.)

by Federico Card. Borromeo
Regole di alcuni capi necessari e più frequenti per la osservanza delle Sacre Cerimonie e del Canto fermo ambrosiano. Milano, reprinted 1896.

by Andrea Carlo Card. Ferrari
Piccolo cerimoniale per alcune funzioni nelle Chiese Parrocchiali della Diocesi. Milano, 1896.(This small Ceremonial book was published as an Ambrosian Parallel to the Roman Rite Memoriale Rituum)

by Carlo Card. Borromeo
Instructiones Fabricae Ecclesiae


Decrees of the Diocesan Congregation for the Ambrosian Rite.

Synodal Decrees.
Diocesan Orders given by the Capo-rito (i.e. the Archbishop).

OTHER AMBROSIAN LITURGICAL BOOKS (mostly a summary of other, above mentioned, complete liturgical books):

Horae Diurnae:
Diurnum Ambrosianum. Milano, 1907.

Sacerdotale Ambrosianum ex Rituali iussu A. C. Card. Ferrari edito excerptum. Milano, 1946.

Collectarium Ambrosianum seu orationes et preces dicendæ pro diversis temporum opportunitatibus dum est impertienda solemnis benedictio cum Sanctissimo Sacramento.
Milano, 1949.

by Giovanni Battista Germani
Ritus incensandi s.l. , s.d.
(A small chart with a drawing describing the correct way to incense in the Ambrosian Rite. Germani was one of the greatest Masters of Ceremonies of the Cathedral in the XIXth century)


Antiphonale Missarum juxta ritum Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Mediolanensis. Milano, 1935.

Liber vesperalis juxta ritum Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Mediolanensis. Milano, 1939.

Præconium Paschale juxta ritum Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Mediolanensis. Milano, 1934.

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