Tuesday, February 26, 2008

First usus extraordinarius training in Spain

The first official training for priests, deacons and seminarians to celebrate Holy Mass in the extraordinary form in Spain - and possibly in the Spanish speaking world - will take place, from 25 to 28 March, in Spain's Primatial See, Toledo. For complete information (in Spanish) click on this link: http://www.deogratias.es/Cusrso%20Indice.htm.

It is very encouraging to see that this workshop is co-organised by the Archdiocese of Toledo and the Institute of Christ the King. It is sponsored by the Spanish lay association for the TLM, Asociación Española Deo Gratias - Foro Benedicto XVI. The programme is very thorough, covering in detail all the ceremonies of the Mass, vestments, chant, Latin, an introduction to the Breviary, Masses for the Dead. Two talks, about precedents and content of "Summorum Pontificum", will be given by the Vicar General of the Cardinal Primate, Msgr. Juan Miguel Ferrer.

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