As a follow-up on Shawn's post below on the Curial developments concerning Their Excellencies Archbishops Ranjith and Amato, I thought it might be good to translate the entire piece by Andrea Tornielli in its current form. Here it is with a few [explanations] of mine; the parts in bold are so highlighted in the original by Tornielli:
Change of guard in sight at the Roman Congregations: the Salesian Archbishop Angelo Amato, 70 years old next June, currently Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is supposed to leave the Holy Office [the CDF; in the Italian press it is common to continue to use the old designations of the Roman Congregations]. It seemed [he would leave it] for the Congregation of Divine Worship, but this hypothesis, which I talked about in a previous version of this post, seems at the moment to have subsided and the possibility is being talked about again for him to go to the helm of the Congregation of Saints or that of Catholic Education (in the first case, the resignation of the Prefect, Saraiva Martins, would be accepted, in the second case, Cardinal Grocholewski would be transferred to another assignment). It seems, however, to be decided to replace Amato at the former Holy Office with Monsignor Rino Fisichella, esteemed rector of the Lateran University. There is also talk of the possibility of calling back to Rome Cardinal Ennio Antonelli of Florence and perhaps the primate of Spain Cañizares. The "movements" should begin in June, when Cardinal Ruini will leave the office of Vicar of the Pope [for the diocese of Rome]: at his post is supposed to arrive the current Prefect of the [Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic] Signatura, Cardinal Vallini.