The following was sent in by a reader:
This past Sunday, April 20, area Catholics gathered in joy and thanksgiving at Knoxville's beautiful Holy Ghost Catholic Church -- currently celebrating its centennial year -- to attend the city's first traditional solemn Latin Mass in the four decades since the newer vernacular Mass was introduced in the years following the Second Vatican Council.
I should evidently make note that the modern liturgy is not by any necessity a "vernacular Mass" and can likewise be in Latin. That caveat aside, to read the entire story, click here.
There are plenty of photos, here are a few below. The reredos looks quite spectacular in its gothic revival splendour and I wish to draw our readers attention to it. See the third picture down in particular.
Gothic revival altars like these have always been amongst my particular favourites. For those who have not looked at it, I might recommend you consider taking a look at Fr. Anthony Symondson's book on Sir Ninian Comper which also shows a number of beautiful gothic revival altars.