For those of you in Southern, California, time to rearrange your schedules for a chant workshop that is coming up soon. And for those who are hoping to head to Chicago for the Sacred Music Colloquium and/or Chant Intensive, note that the deadline is approaching. Here is a list of these and other events (and for old times's sake consider that this is an unbelievable list and unthinkable, say, 10 years ago):
- Gregorian Chant Workshop: an introduction to sung prayer, Saturday, May 17, Oceanside, California, with Mary Ann Carr and Fr. Stephanos Pedrano, O.S.B.
- At the Lamb’s High Feast: A Liturgical Seminar on Music and Theology, June 7, 2008, Kalamazoo, Michigan, with Fr. J.T. Zuhlsdorf and Jeffrey Tucker.
- CMAA Chant Intensive, with Scott Turkington, June 9-13, 2008, Loyola University, Chicago.
- Sacred Music Colloquium, Sponsored by the Church Music Association of America, June 16-22, 2008, Loyola University, Chicago.
- Chant Study Tour, Sponsored by Fr. Robert Skeris, July 21-August 1, 2008, Switzerland, Italy, Germany.
- Sacred Music Workshop, Costa Mesa, California. June 2008, Dean Applegate, director. Contact Bob Grant, Director of Music & Liturgy, Organist & Choirmaster, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, 1015 Baker Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626,, /, 714 540 2214 - church office, 714 557 0761 - music office, 714 540 5902.
- Sacred Music Workshop, July 10-12, Archdiocese of Kansas City, KS. B. Andrew Mills, director.
- Mid-western Chant Workshop, July 10-12, 2008, Directed by Andrew Mills, Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas.
- Conductors Seminar sponsored by Pueri Cantores, Mount St. Mary’s College, August 2-4, 2008, Los Angeles, CA.
- Pope Benedict XVI and the Sacred Liturgy, St. Augustine Liturgical Atelier of Hungary, August 21-24, 2009, Budapest, Hungary. Speakers: Conrad, S. FSSP; Dobszay, L.; Földváry, M. I.; Hemming, L. P.; Hoping, H.; Kolinski, D. CJC; Kocik, Th. M.; Kubilius, M. (AD FONTES); Pristas, L.; Reid, A.; Rihmer, Z.; Schmitz, R. M. ICRSS; Skeris, R.A.; Tanoüarn, Guillaume de IBP; Ullmann, P. Á. OPraem (StAugustie Liturgical Atelier).
- Sacred Music Workshop, McLean, Virginia. Oct. 17-18, 2008. Scott Turkington, director.