Yesterday, the NLM reported upon the Saturday diaconal ordination at the Toronto Oratory where the ordinary, Archbishop Thomas Collins, celebrated the Mass of ordination ad orientem, in Latin, giving out communion at the communion rail -- in short, exactly as the Toronto Oratorians do each and every Sunday for their Masses in the modern Roman form. (And for the record, they also do a daily Mass and Sunday Mass in the usus antiquior, leading the way in the area for a parish which both provides the riches of the ancient Roman liturgy, alongside the pursuance of the reform of the reform.)
Pictures have now been made available from the event -- and soon, there will also be some audio clips which we will bring to you -- and here are a selection of those:
(Above to the left is Fr. Jonathan Robinson, founder of the Toronto Oratory and author of the excellent study, The Mass and Modernity)
All photos Copyright, Greg Schilhab, 2008