This came in from Juventutem for the upcoming World Youth Day.
His Eminence, George, Cardinal Pell, will celebrate Solemn Pontifical Vespers at the Throne, in the usus antiquior, as part of WYD in Sydney. The Vespers will be celebrated on Wednesday July 16 at 4.00pm, at St. Augustine's church, 3 Jane Street, Balmain. The Vespers will be followed by Pontifical Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Other prelates and clergy are expected to attend in choir, including Bishop Basil Meeking, Ecclesiastical patron of Juventutem Australia, Bishop Geoffrey Jarrett of Lismore etc
The Vespers and Benediction will be filmed by EWTN for subsequent broadcast on 'Life on the Rock'. This will include an EWTN interview with Cardinal Pell.
Prior to this at 2.00pm, Scott Turkington will be holding another official WYD event - a 90 min chant workshop for Juventutem and other WYD pilgrims called "A Chant Event"
After Vespers, in the evening at St Augustine's, Francis Cardinal George of Chicago will be leading a Rosary Vigil for the Holy Father's intentions (20 decades of the Rosary) as well giving a short homily on each set of Mysteries.
Everyone is welcome to attend any of these events on Wed, July 16 at St. Augustines. The easiest way to get there from the city is by ferry from Circular Quay or Darling Harbour - full details are on the Juventutem Australia website at