Radio Vaticana has an interview up with Fr. Joseph Kramer, FSSP, about the new personal parish, Ss. Trinita in Rome. The following is an NLM translation.
A year after publication of the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, Benedict XVI... a "personal" parish [was erected], Santissima Trinita dei Pellegrini, located in the center of the Diocese of Rome. This is the first parish community established in Italy under the motu proprio... The parish, erected by decree of Cardinal Vicar at disposal of the Pope, was entrusted to Fr. Joseph Kramer, an Australian priest of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter...
Fr. Kramer: - The opening [Mass] went very well: they were all content. This has aroused great interest - even the press has spoken of it - and from that day people have come to church each day to see what is going on. This is a parish that does not depend on territorial boundaries and is open to all the faithful who wish to attend the sacraments and the Holy Mass in the ancient form of the Roman rite... The idea is to have not only the Mass, but all the sacraments - baptisms, weddings - in addition to Lent and the Easter Triduum.
Who are your parishioners, Father Joseph?
R. - Very different: people of all ages, many young people, families with children, persons over 50 years who recall the ancient rite and are happy to regain a place in normal life of the Church. Even local people are happy to see that we are there, in the form of ancient rite, and that we re-opened a church that had remained closed for many years.
Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos said that the erection of this parish has an exemplary value for other dioceses, both in Italy and worldwide ...
R. - Yes, because Rome is always an example, a city that is central to the whole of Catholicism and other bishops have already decided to open parishes following the example given here in Rome, and that is very important.
Father Kramer is it correct to say that this is a parish for faithful traditionalists?
R. - This parish is for all the Catholic faithful who appreciate the ancient form.... Worshipping in the ancient form does not mean necessarily becomes a traditionalist. Our desire is to be integrated into daily life of the Church and we are very, very grateful to the Cardinal Vicar for this opportunity to enter the life of the Church and not be considered a "flock" outside the law.
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These interview snippets came to us originally in Italian via the blog, Papa Ratzinger.